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Hope is a beggar

Hope is a beggar

We’re brought up to believe that hope is a wonderful thing, indoctrinated through religions and reinforced culturally through the ages through dogma and lack of critical thinking. We need to question more instead of mindlessly repeating words and sentiments and...
Supporting Each Other

Supporting Each Other

Kind gestures are never wasted and we are constantly reminded in life of how we are fundamentally social beings living in a community.  This has never been more important than now when we have come through a potentially concerning time, been forced into a form of...
Coping with Uncertainty

Coping with Uncertainty

Where once we could be sure of a particular direction we were going in or making plans ahead, the threat of Covid-19 infection has put paid to any certainty and has shaken things up across the board, from our intimate relationships to the way we live our lives.  For...
What does freedom mean?

What does freedom mean?

The Covid-19 crisis has brought up a lot of emotions in people and brought out the best and the worst of human behaviour.  We’ve seen people coming together, supporting neighbours and our NHS but we’ve also been witness to a significant amount of anger and injustice...